Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Gibson turns 5 years old

Gibson is officially 5 years old!!!!!!
He had such a fun day.
Thank you for all of your cards and gifts!
He bought some great stuff with some of his money.
You can't quite see it in the video, but he spit ALL OVER the cupcakes while blowing out the candles.
It was a lot of fun~

Saturday, July 19, 2008

School has started~

We started schooling on Monday, July 7th. It was a lot of fun for everyone. (really!!! ) The boys did a great job, worked hard and decided that they really like their curriculum this year. I am so proud of them. Gibson started kindergarten. He loves to learn and will do as many workbook pages as I will give him. He really likes to color. Braden started 6th grade!!! He is very thorough and has some awesome things to work on this year. Ethan is in 4th. He is so fast, I can't give him enough work.

Gib is working on:
Catherine Vos childrens bible
Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons
A reason for writing k
Planet earth coloring books
Horizons math k bk 1
French (1-2 new words a day)
Read alouds from Ambleside recommendations + Amelia Bedelia, Frog and Toad, etc.
nature study
Classical composer study

Ethan is working on:
Catherine Vos childrens bible
Saxon Math 54 w/Dive cdrom
Ambleside year 5 for history and literature
World geography
Swimming creatures of the 5th day and Secrets of the universe for science
Nature study
Poetry and scripture memorization
Spelling power
Easy grammar
Wordly wise for vocabulary
Classical composer study

Braden is working on:
Catherine Vos childrens bible
Saxon 76 w/Dive cdrom
Ambleside year 6 for history and literature
World geography
Apologia General science
Nature study
Poetry and scripture memorization
Spelling power
Easy grammar
Wordly wise
Classical composer study

We are all very happy with what we are using, so far.
I'll update as we progress~

A Ride on the Trolley and more

I love downtown LR. There is so much to do and see. My parents were here recently and we went to see the sights. We went to the farmers market, the river market book store, a Travelers baseball game and rode the trolley. It was a lot of fun. My dad shares (and is probably the cause of) my book collecting issues. I just cannot go into a bookstore and come out empty handed. Quite often, I end up with several bags or even several boxes of books. It's a sickness, trust me. But I can't restrain myself!!! I am in the process of having to reassess my library because I am out of room, plus I purchased 3 boxes of books yesterday. It was a great sale~

Lego Project

Here is Braden's latest Lego creation. He built Jango Fett from Star Wars out of his numerous pieces. It turned out awesome~ The boy loves his Legos!

Soccer Camp

The boys had soccer camp a few weeks ago. The weather was fantastic for the end of June! Mid 80s and overcast every day. They had so much fun. This is one of the best pics. Gibson never took that hat off. I had to wash it every day so he could wear it the next.

Golf Tourney for Craig

Craig and his dad played in a golf tournament at the Country Club of Arkansas in June. They had a great time and played well. They won first place in the first flight. Craig's mom and I got to go to a dinner and hear music at the clubhouse on the Saturday night. It was great fun. We took some pictures that turned out really good!