Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Gib loses first tooth

Gib's first lost tooth was loose for about 3 months before he let Craig pull it. He didn't even get the floss around it before it came out. Everything is ' the first time I've ever ____ in my whole life'. The tooth fairy brought him the Robin Hood Backyardigans dvd after he announced to us that she was 'for sure bringing him the dvd' for losing his first tooth. Go tooth fairy~

My baby's last day to be 5~

Gib turns 6 tomorrow.
I cannot believe how fast time flies by~
He is such a sweet heart......

New booth photos~

Can you tell how hot it was by my lovely attitude?? lol
My booth looked top notch. I'm so proud of it!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Jesus told us to 'love your enemies, do good to those that hate you, bless those that curse you, pray for those that abuse you. To the one that strikes your cheek, offer the other also.....Do unto others as you want them to do to you.' Luke 6.27-31
Many 'christians' wouldn't appear to be following His example.
Don't shoot the messenger.
He never said it would be easy to be a true follower.
But He did say 'Love your enemies and do good, lend expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. Luke 6.35

Jesus could have certainly overthrown the evil rulers of His days, if He desired to.
Jesus SURE didn't say 'Let me help blow your enemies to hell, we'll give 'em the shock and awe. Let's show 'em what we're made of boys.'
He also said that His Kingdom wasn't of this world, yet America and Israel seem dead set on proving God wrong by trying to set one up.
Going against God's will ALWAYS turns out good, right?
Must. pay. better. attention.......
What was that saying?
Something about history repeating itself?