Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Gibson has been reading up a storm!
He's read through several of the Henry and Mudge books, Frog and Toad, Poppleton, and now we are on the Billy and Blaze series.
He drug his feet on the last one, I think because it can't be read in a day.
Now that he's finished it, he wants a horse, and a dog that he'll name Rex, just like the book.
So cute!

Braden and Ethan are reading Story of the World 2 Middle Ages for history, along with the Kingfisher Illustrated History of the World.  Ethan is reading the unabridged 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne and The Long March:  The Choctaws Gift to Irish Famine Relief by Mary-Louise Fitzpatrick.  Braden is reading Black Potatoes:  The Story of the Great Irish Famine, 1845-1850 by Susan Bartoletti and Bulfinches Mythology:  The Age of Fable by Robert Graves.
Ethan is a few weeks into Saxon 65.
He's just breezing through math these days~
Braden is about a week and a half from finishing up Saxon 76 and then he's moving into Prealgebra.
He is amazingly excited about it, and seems to be telling everyone that he talks to that he's 'about to start prealgebra'.
It's a big deal, right!?????
We are on lesson 7 in Latina Christiana I.  Their latin vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds and I'm so very proud of them!
Braden started Classical Writing today.
You can read about it here:
School has been interesting for the last month and a half.
I kept out 1/10th of my schoolbooks and literature, which has been a challenge.
I completely forgot that we schooled through the summer, which means that we're finishing up everything about now.
I've had to repurchase a few things that I have in storage, but don't have a clue where or how to get to them.
I wake up at night, hearing my father-in-law ask me, "This box says homeschool books.  Do you need it?", to which I replied MANY times, "I don't think so.  I kept out everything that we'll need for the next few months."
Of course, this dialogue took place in the VERY back of the storage room, up against the wall where there is no way to access any of the boxes. ;-)
I desperately wanted to keep out ALL of my books, but there is absolutely no way that there is room for them at mom and dad's.
They graciously let me keep one of my bookcases in their bedroom, for some of my books and then we have some of the boys schoolbooks and their daily work on another shelf in the garage.
Did I mention that I have a thing for books?????????