Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What happened to the voice of America's masses? Those yearning to be free?

NPR: "Debates will take place this morning discussing the constitutionality of the health care bill. It's not expected to delay or affect the vote this afternoon, or the bill's passage."
Why would it?! These people (elected officials) don't care about the Constitution. Neither do Americans, otherwise they would have supported Ron Paul for President instead of laughing at him. He warned us all that this was coming. Please don't fool yourself into thinking that McCain would be running this country any differently, had he won. He is owned by the same people who are telling Obama what to do. Don't believe me? Check his voting record on anything, I dare you.
We don't have a two party system, we have one choice that is behind both candidates. If you disagree, so be it. Ignoring fact doesn't make it false. While visiting Ireland in 1998, President Bill Clinton told the press, "You know, by the time you become leader of a country, someone else makes all the decisions. You may find you can get away with virtual Presidents, virtual Prime Ministers, virtual everything." Eleven years later, we are all getting what we asked for by choosing to be entertained over being involved in the decisions that affect OUR country.
People that cared and were involved is what made this country so great when it started. When Lincoln was running for president, people sat for 6 hours listening to the candidates debating the issues in town halls across this country. Without a break! We have a 15 minute attention span, if that, and are reaping our deserved rewards. Sadly, our kids and grandkids will be the ones to pay for our failure to care.
This country can be great again. Get involved, people! Don't be so predictable and lazy. Think about the ramifications if you just sit on your ass and do nothing. You'll have no right to complain about how little money you have after paying for this stupid insurance bill, unless you speak up NOW.
I'm betting that most of us are 'just too busy' and will choose to go to the movies, have another beer or spend hours playing games on facebook~

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